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Breathe With Me

The weather is warming up and summer is upon us. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is lay by the pool or drink an ice cold glass of lemonade on our back deck while my kids splash in the water. Actually, as I'm writing this right now, I'm sitting on my back deck in the bright sunshine! I'm starting to get hot and keep reaching for my water to cool me down! My guess is that sometime this summer, you'll be swimming with friends, lifeguarding at a pool, or enjoying your own ice cold lemonade on a hot day. When you do those things - remember your baptism! It may sound strange, remembering your baptism on a hot sweaty summer day. But when the cool waters of summer hit you - take time to let them remind you of who and whose you are. When you feel the refreshing waters, let them remind you that you are a named and claimed, loved child of God.

Let's remember our baptism together now! Grab a small cup of water and place it in front of you in a quiet, relaxing place. Take a few deep breaths, maybe let your fingers land in the water in front of you, and then breathe with me.

Inhale: Named and claimed,

Exhale: I am a Child of God.

Repeat that breath prayer as many times as you would like. End your meditation time with dipping your fingers in the water and making the sign of the cross on your forehead. When you were baptized, you were marked with the Cross of Christ FOREVER - nothing will separate you from God's love for you. YOU are a beloved Child of God! Yes YOU!

"See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are."
1 John 3:1a



Confirmation class is officially over for the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you so much to parents and students for hanging with us and rolling with the weekly changes due to the pandemic. It was a strange year, but we are grateful to have spent time with you - however that looked! We are hoping to get together for some fun activities this summer, so keep an eye on your emails.

Confirmation Service

Mark your calendars for Sunday May 9, 2021 - we will be celebrating our Holy Cross 8th graders who are saying yes to their Baptismal Promises!

Senior Recognition Service

Mark your calendars for Sunday May 16, 2021! We will be celebrating our Holy Cross Seniors. Parents, Senior Forms were emailed in mid April. Please return those ASAP so we are prepared for Senior Recognition!

2021 Summer Youth Trip

Registration for our 2021 Summer Youth Trip to Lake of the Ozarks is LIVE! The registration deadline was April 1, however there are quite a few who have expressed the fact that they are coming on the trip and have yet to register. CLICK HERE to register for our trip to the lake June 20-24, 2021. 

Youth Group

Youth Group is officiall over for the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you so much for hanging in there with us as plans changed every week! David & Kelsey are hoping to gather once a month throughout the summer with the youth group - so keep an eye on your emails and text messages!

Carol Joy Holling Summer Camp

If your high school youth is looking for something to do this summer, I encourage you to check out Carol Joy Holling Camp! Your high school youth will become a part of a faith community, spend time in God's creation, create, learn and explore. There on on site camp choices, an option to take a road trip to northern Wisconsin, AND a Colorado backpacking trip! CLICK HERE to view the opportunities available for high school youth this summer at camp!