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Breathe With Me

At Vacation Bible School this year, one of our daily themes was No Fear, based off of the verse from 1 John: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." I asked the little kids what they were scared of, and I got answers ranging from spiders, to being in the dark, to natural disasters like tornados or storms. When I asked the kids what they thought this verse meant, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." one little girl said, "We don't have to be scared when we love each other!" and I think she nailed it.

As I was thinking more about that verse, I thought about all of the teenagers I work with here at Holy Cross. Teenage years are wonderful, but they also can be years of fear - Am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Do I have enough friends? Am I wearing the right thing? Should I say something? Did I say too much? Am I pretty enough? Am I a good enough athlete? Did I work hard enough? - all of these things went through my mind as a teenager, and I'm sure these things are still going through teenager's minds today.

What I love so much about this verse is that it reminds us that in community and love - fear can just get the heck outta here! When we have a community, rooted in love for one another and God's love for us, where we help each other, listen to one another, comfort one another, and are there for each other, fear has no room. In God's perfect love, there is no fear. And just like our little VBS friend said, "We don't have to be scared when we love each other!"

I hope you know how loved you are and how perfect you are, JUST the way you are! 

Let's take some time to breathe. 

Inhale: There is no fear

Exhale: in your Love.

Repeat that breath prayer as many times as you would like. End your meditation time with one long inhale and one extra long exhale.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear"
1 John 4:18a


2022 Summer Youth Trip - ELCA Youth Gathering

As strange as it sounds, it's time to start thinking about our summer trip for 2022! Mark your calendars for July 24-28, 2022 - we are going to Minneapolis, MN, for the ELCA Youth Gathering - "Boundless"! Along with 15,000 of our closest Lutheran friends, we will spend the week learning, worshipping, listening, dancing, playing, serving, and experiencing our Boundless God. Early bird registration opens mid-September, so start looking at your calendars and plan on joining us July 24-28, 2022!! Pastor Jim & Kelsey will hold a parent meeting after worship on Sunday August 29th to go over details and costs. 

Fall Music Opportunities

If you are (or have!) a Junior High or High School youth that is interested in music, I have some good news! Becky is offering some great fall programming for all ages! Click here to read more about fall plans for our young musicians!

Confirmation & Youth Group

Confirmation and Wednesday night Youth Group will resume again beginning Wednesday September 8th